Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Games Workshop Age Of Sigmar Paints And Tools Set 5011921219377 Building and painting Citadel miniatures is a fun and exciting way to engage with the Warhammer hobby, and it only gets more rewarding with time. You’ll need a few tools and a set of paints to get started, and this box includes the basics that will form the core of your Warhammer hobby toolbox. Get started with comfortable clippers to remove your models from the frame, a mouldline scraper to help prepare them for paint, and a starter brush that’s just the right size to get the basics painted. You’ll find 13 different Citadel Colour paints in 12ml pots, featuring the essential colours needed to paint your first models – they're particularly suited to Stormcast Eternals and Skaven miniatures. The set includes heavily-pigmented Base paints to form a strong foundation for your paint schemes, a Shade paint to add depth, and a Technical paint to add texture to your bases. - Corax White (Base) - Abaddon Black (Base) - Averland Sunset (Base) - Leadbelcher (Base) - Kantor Blue (Base) - Khorne Red (Base) - Rakarth Flesh (Base) - Retributor Armour (Base) - Waaagh! Flesh (Base) - Bugman's Glow (Base) - Steel Legion Drab (Base) - Astrogranite (Technical) - Agrax Earthshade (Shade) This box also includes: the following tools - Citadel Starter Brush - Citadel Starter Clippers - Citadel Mouldline Scraper
Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Daughters Of Khaine : Maleneth Witchblade Releases March 8th 2025 Maleneth Witchblade was trained as an assassin by the Daughters of Khaine, but now acts as an agent of the Order of Azyr. She accompanies the legendary duardin hero, Gotrek Gurnisson, as he travels the Mortal Realms. This multipart plastic kit builds Maleneth Witchblade, a deadly assassin for use in your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. If you've read Gitslayer, Soulslayer and Ghoulslayer, you'll know she is deadly in her own right – an expert with daggers. Take Maleneth to the tabletop where she can continue to reap scores of foes and write a new saga for herself. This kit contains 10 plastic components, and 1x Citadel 32mm Round Base. This miniature requires assembly and is supplied unpainted – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Gloomspite Gitz: Gitmob Army Set Gitmobs are Snarlfang-riding grots who do not fear the light of day. Rather, they covet the power that so obviously rivals that of the Bad Moon. Upon defeating their enemies, they scavenge the equipment of the fallen, accruing metal they can use to rob Hysh of its power. Droggz da Sunchompa leads his Snarlpack Cavalry, supported by Sunsteala Wheelas to conquer the Mortal Realms. Though small, this aggressive army gets the job done by being in the right place, at the right time. The Snarlpack ride two at a time, adding their spears to the Snarlfang's jaws to shred their opponents before bounding off for the next victim. The Sunsteala Wheelas cut down their quarry as they thunder past, stopping for nothing – the Gitz could not stop their Snarlfangs if they wanted to. Pinning it all together is Droggz da Sunchompa himself, sitting proudly atop Jaggedsnarl, his monstrous Snarlfang mount. This box is also the first place to get the the new Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz , a 122-page hardback book with an exclusive cover, stuffed with madcap lore, updated rules, and sinister artwork. In addition to the book and miniatures, you'll find a complete deck of 59 warscroll cards. The set includes the following multipart plastic miniatures: – 1x Droggz da Sunchompa – 6x Snarlpack Cavalry – 2x Sunsteala Wheelas Also included: – Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz – 122-page hardback book with red foil details and a limited edition soft-touch cover – Warscroll cards: Gloomspite Gitz – 59 cards, including 2x Regiment of Renown cards, 4x Army of Renown cards, 4x Faction Rules cards, 6x Spearhead Cards, and 43x Gloomspite Gitz warscroll cards This kit comprises 295 plastic components, 1x Citadel 60mm Round Base, 6x Citadel 75mm by 42mm Oval Bases, and 2x Citadel 105mm by 70mm Oval Bases. These miniatures are unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints. The miniatures in this box will be available separately at a later date. The book also contains a one-use code to unlock Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz content in Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App, which can be used when the battletome goes on general release.
Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Orruk Warclans Dice Brutal, kunnin’ and always ready for a scrap, the Orruk Warclans cause havoc wherever they go. There can be no reasoning with these barbarous marauders, for they live for combat – and the harder an enemy fights back, the more satisfying they are to crush. This set of 16 dice, coloured green to match the skin of the orruks, will instil the fear of these kunnin’ brutes in your enemies in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Each 16mm cubed dice with rounded edges is cast in green. The markings are picked out in yellow, and the '6' face bears the icon of the Orruk Warclans.
Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Cities Of Sigmar : Freeguild Fusiliers Freeguild Fusiliers are disciplined gunners, trained to plant their heavy pavise shields in the ground and form a defensive line that is effectively a fortress battlement brought to the field. From this position, ranked Fusiliers can unleash continuous volleys of fire, their sturdy fusil-cannons belching hot death and drifting clouds of blackpowder smoke. This multipart plastic kit builds 10 Freeguild Fusiliers, accompanied by a Blackpowder Squire. Each Fusilier carries a huge pavise shield, on which they mount a fusil-cannon tipped with a bayonet. You can build one model as a Fusil-Sergeant, armed with either a brace of pistols or a triple-barrelled slaughter-fusil, and another model as a Fusilier Herald, who a carries a standard and torch with a choice of icons and flames. The accompanying Blackpowder Squire runs up and down the firing line, supplying shot and powder wherever it's needed. The kit includes plenty of different poses, heads, and shield designs, all of which are interchangeable between models, plus two curious gargoylian creatures – you'll be able to keep your Freeguild forces distinct and varied, no matter how many Fusiliers you recruit. This kit comprises 115 plastic components, and is supplied with 10x Citadel 28.5mm Round Bases and 1x Citadel 25mm Round Base. Also included is a Cities of Sigmar Transfer Sheet, featuring 410 Free City icons, Sigmarite cult sigils, and other forms of heraldry. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Gloomspite Gitz : Stabbas Moonclan Stabbas form ragged ranks that advance upon the foe with gongs clanging and banners waving. Eyes bulging with the madness of the Gloomspite, they pour over the enemy lines and stab wildly at everything in their path. Stabbas are the core unit for many Gloomspite Gitz army, thanks to their ability to overwhelm foes with vast numbers. You’ll find them great for capturing objectives or shielding the squishier elements of your army – or for concealing some well-placed Loonsmasha Fanatics... Inside the set, you’ll find enough stabbas, pokin’ spears and Moon Shields to build a unit of Stabbas, or enough Moonclan bows and slittas to build a unit of Shootas. You’ll also find a choice of Icon Bearers, a Gong Basher, 2 barbed nets and a special stabba for denoting the unit’s Moonclan Boss. This kit is supplied in 111 Components and contains 20 x 25mm round bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.
Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Stormcast Eternals : Dracothian Guard While their Dracoths charge forward spitting sizzling bolts of lightning, the Tempestors unleash the fury of their volleystorm crossbows, loosing a hail of bolts that burn like blazing meteorites. Tempestors can concentrate their fire to fell the most powerful of foes, or blast holes in enemy lines for other Dracothian Guard to exploit. This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to assemble two Dracothian Guard Tempestors, armed with volleystorm crossbows, warblade and sigmarite shields and each mounted on a ferocious Dracoth. This kit also allows you to make any of the following Dracothian Guard variants: - Fulminators armed with stormstrike glaives and sigmarite shields; - Concussors, armed with lightning hammers and sigmarite shields; - Desolators, armed with thunderaxes and sigmarite shields. One Dracothian Guard can also be optionally assembled as Lord-Celestant on Dracoth armed with a selection of weapons including tempestos hammer, thunderaxe, lightning hammer, stormstrike glaive and sigmarite shield. This kit comes in 80 components and is supplied with two 90x52mm Citadel Oval bases.
Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Orruk Warclans : Orruk Ardboys Orruk Ardboyz plough into the fray with a mad bellow and the clatter of heavy pig-iron plate. These mobs of ferocious, battle-scarred fighters smash their way through the enemy's ranks with an array of crude but wickedly sharp weapons, bashing aside return blows – and unlucky opponents – using heavy shields. This multipart plastic kit builds 10 Orruk Ardboyz, the frontline fighters of the Ironjawz clans. Each Ardboy carries a hefty slab-like shield, and can be armed with either a choppa or a long-handled stikka. You can build one model as an Ardboy Boss to lead the mob with a unique choppa and a choice of heads, and another model as a Gorkamorka Glyph Bearer who carries one of two different back-mounted glyphs. You'll find a wide variety of different heads, shields, hands, and weapons, all of which are totally interchangeable – no matter how big your Waaagh! grows, you can ensure that your Ironjawz look like a proppa motley mob. This kit comprises 98 plastic components, and comes with 10x Citadel 32mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Gllomspite Gitz : Squig Herd Squigs! Little more than mouths with legs and a terrible attitude, these vicious creatures are feared across the Mortal Realms for their rapacious appetites and are often employed by the Gloomspite Gitz on the front lines. These little monsters are a great choice in your army thanks to their incredible offensive punch – just point them in the vague direction of anything you need bitten, and charge. If you like, you can even field an army of the little monsters in matched play, with Squig Herds being a Battleline option for armies with a Moonclan general. Just imagine the look on your enemies’ faces… This kit features everything you need to build a herd of 10 squigs, with highly customisable faces. You'll also get a pair of Squig Herders to motivate your Squig Herds, with four possible variant models, of which you can build two. You'll also get accessories for basing – including a snail squig... This kit is supplied in 77 components and contains 12 x 25mm round bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.
Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Orruk Warclans Manifestations Though the Orruk Warclans – be they of the Ironjawz or Kruleboyz – are best associated with wanton destruction on their never-ending quest for a scrap, they also have a few magical tricks up their iron-shod sleeves. Harness the full weirdness of Gorkamorka with these magical Manifestations for the Orruk Warclans. Inside this multipart plastic kit, you’ll find a total of four miniatures, which make three Manifestations, and can be used by both Ironjawz and Kruleboyz Orruk Warclans armies in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. The mighty Foot of Gork is brutality made manifest – a vast green foot formed of magic that squashes anything beneath it flat. The jaws of a Gork-Roara spew forth the destructive magic of the Waaagh! to be absorbed by Shamans. Morkspit Marshes are squelchy spells that transform hard earth into bogland from which emerge tendrils of glowing protoplasm that drag enemies to their doom. The Morkspit Marsh can be assembled with either Kruleboyz or Ironjawz iconography to match the rest of your army. Contains: – 1x Gork-Roara – 1x Morkspit Marsh – 2x Foot of Gork components, one as a foot, and the other as a smouldering footprint The kit comprises 21 plastic components and 1x Citadel 60mm Round Base. These miniatures are supplied unassembled and unpainted – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Orruk Warclans Hobgrot Slittaboss Slittabosses command the Hobgrot kompanies that maraud across the realms in search of plunder. They are not only the most physically imposing and dark-hearted of their kind but also the canniest. Each is a master swindler and murderous in ripping loot from the battlefield, no matter who currently possesses it. This multipart plastic kit allows you to build a Hobgrot Slittaboss for use in Orruk Warclans armies in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. They're great for inspiring their underlings and thanks to sneaky underhand tactics, and no shortage of toxins, they're a threat for enemy characters in a duel. This miniature can be built with a choice of two head options – one with a helmet and another sporting an eye patch. This kit comprises eight plastic components and 1x Citadel 32mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unassembled and unpainted – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Orruk Warclans Bossrokk Tower Bossrokk Towers are filled with the raucous energy of Gork, and make excellent vantage points for an Ironjawz boss. An orruk who stands upon its platform finds their boisterous yelling and ill-tempered insults carrying far across the battlefield, crashing down on both friend and foe like the fist of the Great Green God. This multipart plastic kit builds one Bossrokk Tower terrain piece for use in Orruk Warclans armies in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. When your leader climbs to the top, they'll feel like a proper boss, able to yell insults at enemies and inspire your army. The kit can also be built as a Skaregob Totem – Faction Terrain specific to the Kruleboyz and acting as a lodestone of Morkish magic, spiralling with energies of sinister cunning. The kit comprises 24 plastic components and 1x Citadel 100mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unassembled and unpainted – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Spearhead Orruk Warclans Ironjawz Bigmob Brutal, kunnin’ and always ready for a scrap, the Orruk Warclans cause havoc wherever they go. Ironjawz Bigmobs are loose but effective formations that may serve as the start of a burgeoning Waaagh! or as a group of Orruks that have wandered into the orbit of a Megaboss in pursuit of action. A Megaboss, the biggest – and therefore best – Ironjaw there is, leads this ragtag band. Covered in nailed-on iron armour and armed with a boss-choppa and rip-tooth fist, this brutal behemoth is gunning for a good scrap! Behind him follow a trio of Brute Ragerz – berserker orruks determined to avenge a humiliating defeat – and five Brutes who seek out the largest enemy defences they can find and set about bringing them down. This Spearhead force is rounded out by a unit of 10 ferocious, battle-scarred fighters known as Ardboyz, who smash their way through the enemy's ranks with an array of crude but wickedly sharp weapons. This box contains 19 plastic miniatures with various build options, saving you money compared to buying the contents separately. It's an ideal way to start an Orruk Warclans army or easily add to an existing collection. These miniatures represent a complete Ironjawz Bigmob force for use in Spearhead games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. This set contains: – 1x Megaboss – 3x Brute Ragerz (which can alternatively be built as Weirdbrute Wrekkaz) – 5x Brutes – 10x Ardboyz This kit contains 264 plastic components, 1x Citadel 60mm Round Base, 8x Citadel 40mm Round Bases, and 10x Citadel 32mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unassembled and unpainted – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Destruction Battletome Orruk Warclans Brutal, kunnin’ and always ready for a scrap, the Orruk Warclans cause havoc wherever they go. There can be no reasoning with these barbarous marauders, for they live for combat – and the harder an enemy fights back, the more satisfying they are to crush. Destruction Battletome: Orruk Warclans is crucial for collectors and gamers alike. This impressive tome is packed with inspiring artwork, background material, stunning photography, and the rules needed to unleash the Ironjawz and Kruleboyz upon the battlefields of the Mortal Realms. You’ll find warscrolls, Regiments and Armies of Renown, Path to Glory, and Anvil of Apotheosis rules, plus a self-contained Spearhead section to help you start playing small, fast-paced, and intense games quickly. This book is for you no matter how you like to collect, paint, and play with your Orruk Warclans. This 128-page hardback book contains: – Provides an overview of the Orruk Warclans faction and fiction focusing on the Kruleboyz and Ironjawz – A thorough description of each unit, combining detailed photography, artwork, and background material – Faction rules including battle traits, battle formations, heroic traits, artefacts of power, Spells, and Manifestations for both Ironjawz and Kruleboyz – Ironjawz and Kruleboyz warscrolls, covering units, terrain, and Manifestations – Spearhead guide, including gameplay and hobby advice, along with its own set of warscrolls and army abilities – Narrative Path to Glory rules, including the Anvil of Apotheosis, allowing you to create your own hero – Rules for three thematic Armies of Renown and two Regiments of Renown that can be added to other Destruction armies – A handy reference section with army abilities, magic, and battle traits This book also contains a one-use code to unlock Destruction Battletome: Orruk Warclans content in Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App.
Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Path To Glory Ravaged Coast A Journey Into Nightmare Aqshy trembles in the aftermath of the Vermindoom. This cataclysm has shaken the Realm of Fire to its core and left a scar known as the Gnaw upon its face. The Ravaged Coast – a stretch of crumbling, tainted land – divides this hellscape from the rest of the hotly contested Great Parch and draws in more armies by the day. This 88-page hardback book is a Path to Glory expansion for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. It lays out the narrative background following the battle for Hel Crown, along with the rules you'll need to play narrative games – a story-based game type where you fight a series of battles in a campaign that all links together. You can also build and upgrade your Path to Glory army between battles, and run your campaigns. Contains: The Ravaged Coast Richly detailed background sections lay out the narrative of what’s happening along the Ravaged Coast. The tale of the crumbling Skaven frontier and the champions fighting there is told through stories, maps, and detailed illustrations. Path to Glory Battlepack Fight a campaign for control of a vital island with new paths for heroes and regiments, rules for acquiring battle scars and forging emberstone-enhanced weapons, a Regiment of Renown for each Grand Alliance, enhancements and lores for this region of Aqshy, and more. Battleplans 12 battleplans for use in your games, including Light the Fires and Assault on the Sea Cave, which offer an array of gameplay challenges. Path to Glory Roster The special Ravaged Coast roster makes it easy to record the progress of your warriors, along with their boons and scars. As this is an expansion for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, you will also require a copy of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Core Book , available separately, to make full use of it.
Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Stormcast Eternals : Stormstrike Palladors Stormstrike Palladors are the hard-hitting cavalry of the Warrior chambers. They are outfitted to administer a devastating charge and to engage in extended periods of melee fighting. In this role, their heavy blades and the talons of their Gryph-chargers prove the most effective killing tools. This multipart plastic kit builds three Stormstrike Palladors – a unit of hard-hitting mounted warriors for Stormcast Eternals armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Each of these swift melee specialists can be armed with a choice of sword or lance. There are also options to build your miniatures with or without helmets, as well as parts for making a Champion, Musician, and Standard Bearer. This kit contains 87 plastic components and 3x Citadel 90mm Oval Bases. These miniatures are supplied unassembled and unpainted – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Skaven : Ratling Warpblaster Ratling Warpblasters were developed expressly to cull massed infantry. A complex series of rotary cannons mounted upon a stocky wooden frame, the device is powered by a ludicrously overcharged warpstone accelerator battery. Once wheeled into place, its gunner flicks the levers that draw power from this reserve, and the barrels begin to revolve before spitting out a torrent of warpstone-infused missiles. This multipart plastic kit builds one Ratling Warpblaster, a war machine for Skaven armies. Much loved by Clans Skyre for their overwhelming firepower, these loud, dangerous, and unstable machines are ideal for blasting through lines of enemy troops. This kit contains 16 plastic components, and 1x Citadel 105mm x 70mm Oval Base. This push-fit miniature can be assembled without glue, and is supplied unpainted – we recommend using Citadel Colour paints.
Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Stormcast Eternals : Iridan The Witness Iridan the Witness is determined to preserve the memory of the Ruination chambers' warriors as they once were, before the nightmare of the flaw and the slow degradation of their souls. Through the power of remembrance and the shattering power of their martial might, the Witness will fight for those who have sacrificed everything in the name of the God-King. Accompanying them on this sombre journey is the mighty Morrgryph Ariax, a deadly beast who bears the favour of the Bleak Raven. This multipart plastic kit builds Iridan the Witness, mounted atop a deadly Morrgryph. This mighty Priest makes a stunning centrepiece for Stormcast Eternals armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. They are armed with the Axe of the Final Threshold, a mighty single-headed blade which has now ended the suffering of countless once-immortal Stormcast Eternals. Meanwhile, Ariax, their fearsome Morrgryph, has a set of deadly talons that easily rend the flesh and armour of foes. This kit can alternatively be built as a Lord-Vigilant on Morrgryph, who has a choice of helmeted or bare head. This kit contains 78 plastic components and a Citadel 120mm Oval Base. The miniature is supplied unassembled and unpainted. We recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Games Workshop Getting Started With Age Of Sigmar 9781804573815 Warhammer Age of Sigmar is an action-packed, strategic tabletop wargame. No matter which of the many unique factions of warriors, monsters, and strange creatures you choose to play, you'll have an opportunity to carve out your slice of the near-infinite Mortal Realms. Amidst the chaos and battles, you'll collect, build, and paint your ever-growing army, then play nail-biting games against other Warhammer Age of Sigmar fans to see who emerges victorious! This magazine will give you the information you need to plunge into the strange and beautiful Mortal Realms. Your adventure starts here! Inside this 88-page magazine, you'll find loads of information about the fantasy setting of Warhammer Age of Sigmar – including the eight realms and the people and creatures who dwell there. You'll then be able to read about every aspect of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar hobby, from collecting armies of stunning Citadel miniatures, painting them in the colours of your choice, and leading them into battle in a thrilling tabletop wargame. This package also includes the following multipart plastic miniatures: - 1x Stormcast Eternals Liberator on a scenic base - 1x Skaven Clanrat on a scenic base These push-fit miniatures are designed to be pushed off their frames without using clippers, can be assembled without glue, and are supplied unpainted – we recommend using Citadel Colour paints.
Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Games Workshop Age Of Sigmar Introductory Set 5011921220885 elcome to the Age of Sigmar – an era of ceaseless conflict in which mortals, gods, and monsters clash upon the battlefield. It is an age of heroism, sacrifice, and unending war. Take to the field and lead your troops into battle – to defend civilisation or tear it down. This set introduces you to Warhammer Age of Sigmar – a thrilling fantasy setting you can participate in by collecting armies, painting them, and waging war with your friends. The 48-page handbook contains everything you need to get started with all aspects of this exciting hobby – you'll learn to build and paint your models, discover the setting they belong to, and fight your first battles with them. Inside this boxed set you will find: 25x Push-fit, plastic miniatures: – 5x Stormcast Eternals Liberators – 20x Skaven Clanrats 1x 48-page handbook 1x Playing mat measuring 30" x 22.4" approx. 1x 12" range ruler 6x Six-sided 'D6' dice 1x Citadel Colour Starter Brush 6x Citadel Colour paints: – 1x Kantor Blue – 1x Retributor Armour – 1x Leadbelcher – 1x Rakarth Flesh – 1x Khorne Red – 1x Steel Legion Drab This kit comes supplied with 5x Citadel 40mm Round Hex Hole Bases, and 20x Citadel 25mm Round Hex Hole Bases. These push-fit miniatures can be assembled without glue, and are supplied unpainted – we recommend using Citadel Colour paints.
Games Table Top Games Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Games Workshop Seraphon Spearhead 5011921228768 The reptilian Seraphon strive tirelessly to advance the Great Plan of the Old Ones, returning true order and balance to realms warped by the Dark Gods. Their armies see cold-blooded saurians and ferocious scaled beasts fight together as a single potent force – a fusion of predatory violence and esoteric cosmic power that few can withstand. If you want to cleanse the taint of Chaos from the Mortal Realms, then this box is an ideal place to start a new army or expand your existing Seraphon force, and will save you money over buying the kits individually. It includes a balanced selection of units, meaning you can bring a reptilian Seraphon army to the tabletop with just these miniatures. This set includes the following multipart plastic models: – 1x Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (which can alteratively be built as a Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur, or a Skink Oracle on Troglodon with a Saurus Oldblood on foot) – 3x Kroxigor (which can alternatively be built as Kroxigor Warspawned) – 10x Saurus Warriors All models are supplied with their appropriate bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.