Dutch Blitz Green Box

Games Dutch Blitz Gam Dutch Blitz Green Box Card Game Games Dutch Blitz Games Dutch Blitz; Dutch Blitz

A Vonderful Goot Game!

For young folks - and old vones too.
Vhy you should see the vones who plays:
They gets in such a stew.

Easy to learn - exciting to play,
For two or three or four.
And this for sure is vone such game,
That ain't gonna be no bore.

So now, sit down with your friend or kin,
And try this game to play.
Chust bet that vhen you get started vonc't,
You'll play for most the day!


  • 4 decks of 40 cards 
  • Rules


6 in stock at 490 Wallace Street, Hope, BC (Phone # 604-206-9959)

  • Dutch Blitz Gam
  • Dutch Blitz Green Box
  • New
  • 6 in stock at 490 Wallace Street, Hope, BC (Phone # 604-206-9959)
  • This Item Is Local Pickup Only
  • No Returns Accepted
  • N/A
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