Games Table Top Games BattleTech BattleTech Clan Cavalry Star
The box also provides five dry-erase cards, which are intended to directly support Alpha Strike gameplay, and five new Pilot Cards.
The Clan Cavalry Star was created as a part of the 2023 Mercenaries Crowdfunding Campaign, as a stretch goal unlocked, available for selection as a ForcePack choice included at various pledge levels. In addition to being chosen as a pledge reward, the Clan Cavalry Star could be purchased as an add-on item ahead of mass retail release.
Our high-quality, affordable, read-to-play plastic miniatures Force Packs are the heart and soul of BattleTech. Each re-imagined miniature retains the core of each 'Mech's identity grounded in the original artist expression and lore we all love, carefully updated with modern aesthetics.